Welcome Message From Chairman
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am happy to welcome you to Nepal Ebenezer Theological Seminary, formerly known as Nepal Ebenezer Bible College (NEBC). As the number of Christians and Churches were growing rapidly in various parts of Nepal, especially after the restoration of democracy in 1990, it was felt necessary to have theologically trained people strengthen the growing churches. Being an umbrella fellowship of the churches in Nepal, the National Churches Fellowship of Nepal (NCF Nepal) saw a vision to have its own Bible college, mainly to strengthen its own member churches, but also other churches that are not affiliated with us. Hence, Nepal Ebenezer Bible College was established in 1992 as a wing of NCF Nepal. The main objective of NETS is to strengthen the local churches by providing sound and practical theological education to interested, qualified, and dedicated Christian young men and women to serve God and His church in Nepal. Since its inception, NEBC (now NETS) has played a significant role in fulfilling its objectives and strengthening the churches in Nepal. NETS is unique in its kind: Firstly, it stands beyond the denominational discrepancies and accommodates its students, faculty members, and other staff from all denominations. Secondly , it is not run by individuals; rather, it is run by an organized body with a clear vision that equips men and women for God’s work. Apart from regular B.Th. courses, NEBC has engaged in providing M.DIV and Master in Leadership courses, considering the needs of the church. Over a period of time, the Board of NEBC has felt the need to register an autonomous body with the government of Nepal. In the course of time, we decided to change its name to Nepal Ebenezer Theological Seminary (NETS) under the company act, not distributing profit.

Yours in Christ,
Rev. Dr. Simon Pandey
Founder Chairman

Why Choose NETS/NEBC
If you are thinking about studying theology to prepare yourself to be a servant steward leader, pastor, teacher, evangelist, mission mobilizer, administrator, apologetics, etc., NETS here to prepare servant-leaders with Christ-like character to serve church and society by imparting sound theological education evangelical in nature, ministerial skills so as to engage in holistic mission, and inspire students to be godly models and agents for spiritual and social transformation. NETS serves Nepali churches and beyond across denominations by affirming the Biblical Faith as understood by the evangelical community at large, pursuing personal integrity and holiness in life, performing diligence and excellence in academics, and demonstrating servant-leadership in all life situations. You are most welcome to Nepal Ebenezer Theological seminary, located at Jorpati, Kathmandu, Nepal.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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